Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Longest Outdoor Tv Antenna I Do Not Want Cable. Good Long-distance Indoor TV Antenna? Help. They All Stink!?

I do not want cable. Good long-distance Indoor TV antenna? Help. They all stink!? - longest outdoor tv antenna

Ok! I have this question several times. I have 2 Zenith Digital DT01 pass-through analog cable TV through. My best results for the seasons or more and are either a) home-made cable, metal rods and splice coax out of my window. Or b) the least expensive non-amplified indoor antennas, the dollar stores, or sell to second-hand. The material in many major retailers (I will not name names, but one of them is one of the companies in our U.S. economy is getting better!) Not many good saves waste of $ 10 to almost $ 100. I have everything I bought refunds. Not to throw at the lowest prices from $ 1 to $ 10 antennas. Chicago Midway Airport nearby, I'm on the ground floor. I threw in all channels of digital and analogue television in Chicago, and TimBag is in SW Lower Michigan, Indiana, all the way to Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Quad Cities, Peoria, Bloomington, Normal, and Iowa is sometimes done at home with the settings. Why so "long-range antennas are not manufactured settings are? Please do not answers to cable, satellite, or purchase and / or outdoor antenna, or tell me your answer as abuse? Real!


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